Integrated Health Services, Inc.
Mission Statement
At Integrated Health Services (IHS), our mission is to improve student, family, and community wellness by providing equitable access to school-based behavioral health, medical, and dental care.
Vision Statement
To be a premier leader in creating innovative approaches to improve health and wellness outcomes.
Purpose Statement
IHS provides evidence-based comprehensive and preventative healthcare services in school settings to the full age continuum of students, including preschoolers, school-age children, and adults. The SBHCs yield measurable improvements in students’ behavioral, physical, and dental health outcomes, and reduce the amount of out-of-school time to address healthcare needs.
Guiding Principles
At the core of the organization’s work are the following Guiding Principles,
- Healthy students make better learners and productive citizens.
- School-based health care gives students access to immediate and long-term services regardless of ability to pay.
- Coordinated on-site healthcare provides a focus on prevention and leads to long-term wellness.
- Health and behavioral health services in a centralized school environment produce cost-effective and time-efficient service delivery.
- Collaboration is essential to addressing the complex health and behavioral healthcare needs being experienced by students and their families
Integrated Health Services, Inc. is more than happy to answer your questions.

CDC COVID-19 Response Health Equity Strategy
Reduce health disparities. Use data-driven approaches. Foster meaningful engagement with community institutions and diverse leaders. Lead culturally responsive outreach…

Children’s mental health badly harmed by pandemic
From June of last year to late this past spring, an average of five children a week were being admitted to the medical school’s teaching hospital at East Carolina University…

National Committee on Quality Accreditation
PCMH Standards Integrated Health Services was one of 2 cohorts in CT working with 2 cohorts in NY to pilot the standards. IHS was the only CT site to complete the pilot…

What is a SBHC: School Based Health Centers
School Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are comprehensive primary health care facilities located within or on the grounds of schools; licensed as “outpatient medical clinics” by DPH…